The perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, memorials to honor your loved ones, honor those who have served our country, or a great way to have your family be part of the garden pathway!

The Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden, a nonprofit division of the International Peace Garden Foundation, invite you to leave your legacy by purchasing bricks in the Garden. This undertaking is completely operated by community volunteers who firmly believe in bringing quality of education and tourism attraction to the center of Genesee, on county-owned land on Route 5 West Main Street in Batavia, New York 14020.
The brick walkway throughout the garden, is maintained by community organizations, schoolchildren, government representatives and corporations.

This is your opportunity to leave your legacy, in honor of your children, grandchildren, spouse, and parents or to to memorialize a loved one, celebrate a new life or mark a date of importance in your life. Several Size engraved Bricks are available with options for engraving. Your Memorial Bricks will be placed in Batavia Peace Garden Park as a commemorative plaque of thanks to those who have mad a difference in your life and those who have helped Batavia Peace Garden Flourish, both the living and the Deceased. Our intent is to recognize those who have made a difference in the community and have accomplished something which deserves recognition
- Engraved Henry Paver 4″ X 6 7/8“(approximate) bricks have a maximum of 3 lines of print with 14 characters per line, total 42 Characters (including space as a character). The cost for this brick is a $100 donation.
- Engraved Henry Paver bricks 6 7/8” X 8″(approximate)have a maximum of 4 lines of print: with 18 characters per line, total 72 Characters (including space as a character) are available in limited quantity at a price of $150.
- Engraved Henry Paver bricks 6 7/8” X 14″(approximate)have a maximum of 6 lines of print: with 18 characters per line, total 108 Characters (including space as a character) are available in limited quantity at a price of $200.
- Engraved Henry Paver bricks 14″X 6 7/8“(approximate)have a maximum of 4 lines of print: with 30 characters per line, total 120 Characters (including space as a character) are available in limited quantity at a price of $200.
- Note engraved Henry Paver bricks 14″X 6 7/8“(approximate)and engraved Henry Paver bricks 6 7/8” X 14″ (approximate) are the same size brick but presentation and placement is 90 degrees comparing each to the other with a change in the number of laser printed elements
- Purchase Flag Pole and Installation of Flag Pole