FAQ-Bricks and Pavers
Laser Engraved Pavers and Bricks for the Batavia Sight . The perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, memorials to honor your loved ones, honor those who have served our country, or a great way to have your family be part of the garden pathway!

The Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden, a nonprofit division of the International Peace Garden Foundation, invite you to leave your legacy by purchasing bricks in the Garden. This undertaking is completely operated by community volunteers who firmly believe in bringing quality of education and tourism attraction to the center of Genesee, on county-owned land on Route 5 West Main Street in Batavia, New York 14020.

Questions not answered here can be directed to info@bataviapeacegarden.org and will be answered by one of our volunteer representatives.
- How long have you been placing Pavers? The initial design plan of the garden walkways was formulated in 1998 before a single Paver was installed. We will try to answer any questions you have.
- When are the Pavers installed? The pavers are part of the Spring Raising of the Flags for the season and again in the Fall when the Color’s are retired for the Winter. The patrons for the Pavers are notified and welcome to attend both ceremonies along with guests.
- Can you engrave a Photo? Yes but there may be an extra charge. Organization Logo (Lions, Rotary), Company Logo’s, Clip Art, and line drawings can be engraved and we can provide an estimate if there is any extra charges. We will try to answer any questions you have, send them to info@bataviapeacegarden.org
- Why are there two 14×7 and 7×14 Pavers? They are engraved differently and are suitable for longer or taller engraving techniques. The two are the same size and installed 90 degrees in comparison to each other to change the number of laser printed elements. Note engraved Henry Paver bricks 14″X 6 7/8“(approximate)and engraved Henry Paver bricks 6 7/8” X 14″ (approximate) are the same size brick but presentation and placement is 90 degrees comparing each to the other with a change in the number of laser printed elements
- Can we use a different font? The fonts and text type engraved was developed by the designer to offer enduring quality, easy reading and consistent presentation to the overall site. We have not deviated from that design recomendation.
- How many characteres per line of text can be engraved on a brick? The characteres are engraved based on the size of the brick. Please contact us if you have a special requirement and we try to be flexible. We will try to answer any questions you have, send inquiry to info@bataviapeacegarden.org.
- After I place my order can I change the text? You will receive a verbiage verification letter in the mail shortly after you place your order. If you need to make any changes to your text, these must be done on this verification. Changes cannot be done over the phone. You will have to return this signed verification letter before engraving can begin.
- The text shown on my verification is correct. Do I have to return it? Yes, because the verifications are sent to ensure that your order is engraved with the exact text, spaces and characters you desire. Even it the text is correct, we must receive your signed verification before your brick is engraved.
- Since I paid for the engraved brick it is my property, correct? The Peace Garden bricks and pavers are offered as the opportunity to install your personalized bricks and tiles within the Batavia Garden. Bricks and tiles demonstrate your support for Friends of Batavia Peace Garden by memorializing a loved one, celebrating a special event, promoting your business or showing your love for our community. Because of this, your supporter brick or paver purchase becomes the property of the Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden and cannot be removed by the purchaser for any reason.
- If I order an item and then change my mind, how can I cancel the order? The Peace Garden works with customized bricks and pavers. All sales are final and orders cannot be cancelled or refunded.
Questions not answered here can be directed thru info@bataviapeacegarden.org and will be answered by one of our volunteer representatives.