Visit the Beautiful Batavia Peace Garden located on the Banks of Tonawanda Creek and occupies a site 11,000 sq ft 350′ long by 25′ X 30′ You will find this comfortable spot on West Main Street, Batavia, New York 14020.
Tours are available by appointment and interpretive panels, in English are placed throughout the garden.

Stroll the Pathway to Peace at the entrance of the garden just East of the Holland Land Office Museum. Read each of our interpretive panels. There are numerous benches to stop, relax and enjoy the serene environment. Next, along the pathway is the military monument, the Globe of the world, drummer boy silhouette in honor of the War of 1812, The Statue of Liberty and the kiosk announcing community events. Continuing East, along the pathway, we enter the Grove of Nations which has 21 flags flying, representing each country that has a Peace Garden. A partial design of a millstone is included to honor the placement of the early settlement of the area.
Now, leaving Phase 1, follow the green footprints along the sidewalk directing you to Phase 2. Take time to admire the two murals along the way. Arriving at the beautiful entrance arbor. You can stroll the Peace Garden Memory Walk noticing the trees and plaques of lost loved ones.

This Phase and Phase 3 are designed and waiting approval to connect to the Ellicott Trail. As new countries join the International Peace Garden Foundation, their flags will be installed.
Visit us to enjoy all the beautiful flowers from tulips, daffodils, intermixed w/catmint, coral bells, black eyed Susan’s, autumn joy’s Sedum, red-twig dogwood, little princess swirls, lilacs, butterfly bushes, iris and many many more.
Phase I, Phase II and Phase III
Phase I – 2010
Start of the Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden development as shown here, knowing this garden would only hold 20-22 IPG county flag members.
Phase II
Has been designed and developed upon tentative approval by the Genesee County Legislature, realizing that Phase I would be filled, Phase II would be created to go with the original design as countries are added to the International Peace Garden Memory Walk and new country flags will be place in this Memory Garden.
Phase III
With the Installation of the Genesee County Ellicott Trail, this Phase III will connect to the Ellicott Trail through the Peace Garden on Main Street which will create more accessible to the trail and garden. The Ellicott Trail runs from Pearl Street to Seven Springs Road.

If you have suggestions on this website and contact, please let us know.
Questions not answered here can be directed thru info@bataviapeacegarden.com and will be answered by one of our volunteer representatives.